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AVID, Advancement Via Individual Determination, is a college readiness system for elementary through higher education that is designed to increase schoolwide learning and performance.

As of right now, in addition to using AVID strategies in all classes, Riversprings offers yearlong AVID elective classes for students, in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Students who are enrolled in the program are required to take at least one advanced course plus the AVID elective class to help provide them with the academic support needed to be successful. The AVID program places a heavy emphasis on student and parent communication, and weekly GPA checks that are signed by parents are included in the grade for the AVID elective class. The curriculum of the AVID elective class consists of:

  • Two 45-minute class periods a week of tutorials, where students work in collaborative groups (tutorials) on academic areas where they need support. Tutorials are student driven and facilitated by college tutors.
  • Two 45-minute class periods a week of the AVID curriculum. This is where students work on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization and reading, known as WICOR.
  • One 45-minute class period per week of diverse curriculum which can include team building, college and career experiences, grade point checks, and goal settings as well as other related activities.

In order to be considered for the AVID program, students need show motivation in the classroom and demonstrate individual determination. Students will also need to be nominated by a teacher during the second semester of their school year, complete an application, and go through an interview process. Students and parents who are interested in finding out more about the AVID program should contact the AVID elective class teacher, Mrs. Kelly at 926-2300.

AVID has become more than just a small change in lesson planning; it has changed the culture of our school to one that is more focused on academics, leadership, and individual student responsibility. Our hope is that this cultural will continue to grow and challenge all of our students to reach their fullest